Monday, September 7, 2020

Brianne Banger's "132 Feet" vigilante group (Washington, IA) commits a sex crime in addition to other crimes

OnceFallen usually assists those convicted of sex offenses to reintegrate after they served time, but we do not offer assistance where sex offenses occurred during a vigilante action. 

While the pieces of shit at the 132 Feet gang have slowed down their online presence, they're still harassing the same registrant. Thankfuully, the Washington Police Dept. posts their activity logs. There was an act of vandalism, which is a crime, and now we see someone from the 132 Feet gang exposed his genitals to the registered person, which of course, is a crime in Iowa. Soon one of these vigilante losers will land in jail. 

Looks like Brianne Banger and her group of miscreants still have yet to learn their lesson. 

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