Wednesday, December 8, 2021

"Shoalanda Speaks" alter-ego "Nick Ireland" is the My Pillow Guy of Crime Bloggers

Shoalanda Speaks is so obsessed with Derek Logue that she/he/it had taken to publishing falsehoods under a new screen name, "Nick Ireland." For the sake of those who never heard of Shoalanda Speaks, this blog is (supposedly) a "collection" of crime writers that write specifically about Northwest Alabama, primarily the "Quad Cities" of Muscle Shoals, Sheffield, Tuscumbia, and Florence. It is a small, isolated quasi-metropolitan area that consists of four communities with varying populations between 10000 and 50000. It lacks public transportation and is not connected to an Interstate road. In fact, it nearly lost it's "metropolitan area" status altogether if not for some lobbying by local politicians. There is literally nothing special about this isolated collection of communities, unless you want to see a couple of studioos where some faded singers from the 1970s once recorded an album or two. It is a boring cesspool where the old southerners fight to prevent progress. 

In this part of the country, the uneducated hillbillies that largely populate these communities sit around watching reality TV and trash TV shows like Jerry Springer when they aren't busy getting drunk/high or going to family reunions to meet their next lovers. So it is no surprise that a boting, backwater shithole loves their local crime blogs like Shoalanda Speaks. But despite the claim Shoalanda Speaks is a "group" of writers, it is most likely one braindead fucknut writing it all under many aliases. Even the Shoalanda Speaks page stated, "This is a we(blog) featuring editorial opinion on Shoals issues--not an exercise in journalism." In other words, take what's written there with a grain of salt. 

Shoalanda Speaks claims there is a "well-known" crime blogger and a "noted Souther criminologist" named "Nick Ireland" from Huntsville, Alabama. He's so famous that not even a Google search can find him. In fact, this name had previously only popped up once on a sister blog of Shoalanda's called "Shoals Crime" in a very brief discussion of some local interest story in 2016, then resurrected the character in 2021. (There IOs a "Nick Ireland in Huntsville, AL, but he's a youth pastor, not a crime writer.)

I always wonder what celebrities think when they see themselves on the cover of some gossip rag with a story about them that is obviously a load of bullshit. Well, my reaction is mostly point and laugh at their stupidity, but I also recopgnize that the average reader of crime blogs like Shoalanda Speaks because the blog appeals to the horse-paste lickers of the US. 

The Shoalanda Speaks writer using the Nick Ireland persona began her latest personal attack on anti-registry activist Derek Logue by referring to him as a "Franklin County native." The definition of "native" means, "A person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not." (Oxford Languages) Well, you'd think someone who fancies himself a writer could get something as simple as a birthplace correct, but not Nick Ireland, who did not even get the correct state, much less the correct county. This is not going well for "Nick Ireland" and his "conducting research." LOL

Speaking of Nick Ireland's "research," one would think a crime blogger would understand the basics of the criminal justice system. "Nick Ireland's" lack of insight into the Broward Co FL courts. "Nick Ireland" reports "four" years of delays (ignoring the courts have a pandemic-related backlog, and it hasn't even been three years). He also claims the alibi is "flimsy" basing his argument solely on the claim anyone can use another person's credit card, while ignoring other evidence. I would love to hear Lil Nicky's excuses for the HD video taken by the car lot show a different person than Derek Logue, or the fact multiple people can testify that Mr. Logue was 1100 miles away the same day of the crime, or that the police failed to follow up with the owner of the vehicle who lives in Homestead FL because the police were too busy trying to pin a crime on Mr Logue because the Books had influenced the investigation. I can't blame Nick the Prick here for not understanding the full case since he doesn't have access to the depositions and the discovery evidence. But it doesn't matter, because "Nick Ireland's" intent is not to report, but to distort. That is literally the only thing this troll is ever good at doing. 

"Nick Ireland" seems to have a problem with math. Hey "Nick," what is 2019+4? The answer is 2023, not 2021. Nick Ireland has lousy math skills. Do they not teach basic math in North Alabama? At any rate, it is hilarious that the claims by "Nick Ireland" sound suspiciously like the claims of a certain troll employed by Shoalanda Speaks. 

Next, "Nick Ireland" makes the following blatantly false statement-- "A new informant has come forward accusing Derek of sex acts with an eight year-old girl around the same time he was arrested for First Degree Sexual Abuse of an 11 year-old." Yet, there's no record ANYWHERE of these claims, and that ids because it was completely made up. A couple of years ago, Shoalanda's "informant," a particularly stupid and nasty troll that goes by many names but often settles on "Lucky Larry," made the false claim in a couple of personal attacks, so he's hoping that a lie repeated enough will now someday catch on the same way Encyclopedia Dramatica had spread the lie that Mr. Logue was a "child rapist" years ago. 

Also, 'Nick Ireland" also makes a weird claim that Mr. Logue was sent to a certain facility for mental illness. "Nick" certainly loves to play fast and loose with the facts since Mr. Logue wasn't sent to the place Lil' Nicky has claimed. 

Nick Ireland is essentially the Mike Lindell of Crime Bloggers. 

Lindell had boasted for most of 2021 that he had irrefutable proof of election fraud. Of course, Lindell's supposed proof of widespread election fraud was, as one cybersecurity expert stated, "a turd...And I had to take that turd and turn it into a diamond." 

And so Shoalanda Speaks, which has engaged in over 11 full years of cyberstalking against Mr. Logue, was handed a turd from this "Nick Ireland" and polished it in hopes to turn it into a diamond. But as this blog has reported multiple times, Shoalanda is willing to publish leads from criminals, dope fiends, and other people of dubious character, even working with a person arrested twice for sexual offenses. 

So Shoalanda is the "Frank Speech" of Crime Blogs. Poor research and poor writing plague this shitty backwater hick blog. But just as My Pillow Guy admitted he's not a cybersecurity expert and just sells pillows, Shoalanda admitted the blog is "not an exercise in journalism." What does Shoalanda sell? See for yourself...