Thursday, January 20, 2022

Tonight's dinner for my haters-- a generous serving of CROW

For three long years, I've had to endure attacks on my character as I faced false allegations of theft over 1100 miles from my home. I was not allowed to publicly discuss the details of the case. But last week, the prosecutor filed for case nolle prosequi (i.e., declining to prosecute) because they knew I was innocent and had no chance whatsoever of pinning a false allegation against me. 

First on the list of haters is Shoalanda Speaks, the NW Alabama wannabe crime blofg written by complete tools who only got their criminal justice education from SVU reruns. They've reluctantly issued a detraction, calling me "lucky" and suggesting my innocence was merely a "technicality." 

It seems "Lucky Larry", aka, the Stalker Wall guy, was so depresssed that he lost his one big talking point that he has set his shit blog to 'private" and temporarily removed the info off his other stalker websites:

Now i'm just waiting for an apology from twice-convicted registrant Charles Michael Segaloff, aka Michael McKay aka "Registry Report," and Dwayne Daughtery from NARSOL, to issue public apologies for using my false arrest as a way to attack me, make lies about me, and lobby others to withdraw support for OnceFallen. 

And, here are some delicious crow recipes for all my haters. Bon Appetit!

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