Sunday, April 12, 2020

Google allows cyberstalking of Registered Citizen Activists even after cyberstalker freely admits to cyberstalking

Recently, this blog had a few things removed, despite falling into Fair Use for informative content. (For example, my article on Predator Poachers, which contained screenshots of Alex Rosen discussing his DUI arrest.) However, Google has not given me (or any Registered Citizen, for that matter) the same level of consideration. That is why so many online vigilante scumbags use Google's Blogspot.

My personal stalker (who refers to himself by various names, including Mr Punch, Barry Willians, and Lucky Larry) is no exception. He joins the long line of other vigilante doucherags who have devoted so much time trying in vain to silence my activism. However, when a person goes beyond mere criticism into actively committing crimes against me, that is when the powers that be should step in. In the past two years, I've received numerous harassing phone calls and text messages. This loser has impersonated me and other Anti-Registry activists on multiple platforms. And now, he's taken to stealing my pictures and trying to associate me with "communists", Nazis, and Jeffrey Epstein.

I generally just ignore those pathetic waste of humanity. No one, after all, reads his shitty blog, except maybe his/her/its fellow scumbag Shoalanda Speaks (someone who had no problem working with recidivist Clay Keys.) But Google has been slow to respond to addressing this person's blog, which in recent weeks, has depicted me as promoting Nazis and Soviet Communism, and posting a pic of my residence with poorly photoshopped pot plants and Jeffrey Epstein. He even freely admits to constant harassment. and stealing copyrighted information.

Maybe he should work of spelling (he spelled Achtung as Ack Ton; what a fucktard!).

But the point here isn't some pathetic piece of shit no one cares about, but Google's longstanding policy of selective enforcement of closing accounts that violate terms of service. As I previously mentioned, Google has deleted many legitimate articles from my blog that had used actual news resources and screenshots of posts made, things that actually fell into Fair Use, while allowing people to post vigilante assaults on Registered Persons. The real problem isn't some crackpot living in his mom's basement in Northern Georgia, but this evil multibillion-dollar corporation that controls so much of our daily lives that it is hard to avoid their products. I may be using a Google blog, but Google is still an unethical corporation. That is what truly needs to change.

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