AZU denies they promote vigilante violence, but below is an exchange I had via IM by one AZ member who set up an anonymous account just to harass me:
myaccount238: If there is another Ohio rally, I will drive there to spit in your
me: That would be a big mistake
myaccount238: we'll see how tough you are quiverteeth
me: Better bring backup
me: By the way spitting is assault
me: You'd be arrested on the spot
Me: Your husband would be so jealous
(Thanks for being stupid AZU by the way. By the way they did call me "great"-- Thanks for the compliments LOL
myaccount238: You will win in court, sue everyone, and live happily ever after
myaccount238: ***** the great
Me: That's the plan
Me: Thanks for admitting I'm great)
By the way, AZU is pretty open about encouraging vigilantism. For example, AZU numbnut Carisma came to the rescue of Travis Metcalf, a man who was cited for disorderly conduct for threatening a sex offnder in public:
Metcalf admits he lost control of his emotions.
“I was screaming at the top of my lungs at him,” said the 34-year-old Metcalf, a husband and a father of three children, ages 14, 12 and 5. “I ended up getting a ticket for disorderly conduct out of the deal.”
And Travis Metcalf should have gotten more, in my opinion, to teach people a hard lesson about vigilante violence. And he isn't learning his lesson:
"Despite his June 25 court date, Metcalf said he is keeping the pressure on Larsen by distributing fliers with Larsen’s picture and identifying information, and Metcalf is attempting to organize a 'parent watch' to raise public awareness. "
So it is NO surprise he fits in with AZU. So says Carisma:
By carimsa
May 11, 2008 10:14 PM
"Any parent would have done the same thing as Metcalf. He didn't assault him, he called him on it! Thank god he did."
No, any good parent would have called the cops and presented evidence of the former offender's improprieties. Not only is vigilante violence illegal, but DANGEROUS! Oh but there's more:
May 12, 2008 10:38 AM Link to this
"We (that count) are all behind you, Travis Metcalf! Let us know what you need." Yep! Keep up the good work! Travis hurt no one and only saved a child! [Note: He only hurt no one because the cops showed up]
By Stitches77
May 12, 2008 11:12 AM
Metcalf is a hero and it appears the only people who don't realize it are guys who would think there's nothing wrong with lurking outside a preschool hiding in a bush.
By Stitches77
May 12, 2008 4:23 AM Link to this
Shouting at a man who is hiding in a bush outside a preschool is Not harassment.
These people don't seem to understand you just don't get a citation for "doing the right thing." Getting up and threatening a person is NOT "doing the right thing." CALLING THE COPS WHEN YOU SEE SOMETHING WRONG IS THE RIGHT THING!
Think about THIS folks, why is it Absolute Zero United hides their identity? Why aren't they touted as "heroes" for their work? Because cyberstalking, abuse of the registry, harassment, and threats of violence are ILLEGAL, that's why. They are CRIMINALS, plain and simple. Thugs.
By the way, why would a site like Family Watchdog tell people the first thing to do is to get up in people's faces. Read the article again:
Steve Roddel, president and CEO of Family Watchdog, said the 3-year-old site is updated throughout the day with the latest information available. He said he is unable to chastise people like Metcalf who use the site as a tool to protect their children and their community.
“It would be awfully hard for me to find fault with someone who is out trying to protect his community,” Roddel said.
He added that if a convicted sex offender is displaying high-risk behaviors, like hanging out at parks and schools with a puppy, that person should be confronted and made aware that he is being watched.
Tell them you know who they are, and, ‘You are not going to do it on my watch,’ ” Roddel said. “I wouldn’t necessarily call it overreacting.”
What happened to "if you see a crime call the police?" Duh. Someone shove the Watchmutt's nose in the shit they're shoveling! What if that guy had been packing heat? You don't just get up in a guy's face, that's a potentially dangerous situation. Hell, pull out a video camera, take pics, turn over to police, and the guy would have been in jail. Simple as 1-2-3! Of course, leave it to Family Watchdog and Absolute Zero United to put two and two together and only come up with three!
Oh yeah, one last thing, someone pointed out that I needed to add the following:
Note: The following information is provided as an awareness tool so that you can adequately protect yourself and your children from these individuals. The use of the sex offender registry information to harass, endanger, intimidate, threaten or in any way seek retribution on an offender through illegal channels is prohibited. Any person who engages or participates in such acts may be charged criminally."
And on the FamilyWatchDog TOS, it states:"Harassment, stalking, or threatening anyone on this list likely violates your state law and is neither condoned nor encouraged by Family Watchdog, its directors or employees."
So its not only illegal to use the registry info to harass people, it violates the Family Watchmutt TOS too! Then Roddel contradicts his own company. A classic!

Founded in 2008, ABSOLUTE ZERO UNITES is a blog covering corrupt politicians and vigilantes who abuse sex offense registries to commit crimes (murder, assault, harassment, vandalism). This is a journalism blog; all articles posted in this blog is covered by Fair Use under 17 USC 107. All opinions are my own, and all persons featured here are (IMHO, of course) criminals and assorted losers.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Family Watchdog,
Stitches 77,
Travis Metcalf,
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You might want to point out that this is on the Colorado registry:
"Note: The following information is provided as an awareness tool so that you can adequately protect yourself and your children from these individuals. The use of the sex offender registry information to harass, endanger, intimidate, threaten or in any way seek retribution on an offender through illegal channels is prohibited. Any person who engages or participates in such acts may be charged criminally."
And on the FamilyWatchDog TOS, it states:
"Harassment, stalking, or threatening anyone on this list likely violates your state law and is neither condoned nor encouraged by Family Watchdog, its directors or employees."
But, you will notice in the article Mr. Roddel says:
“It would be awfully hard for me to find fault with someone who is out trying to protect his community,”
"He added that if a convicted sex offender is displaying high-risk behaviors, like hanging out at parks and schools with a puppy, that person should be confronted and made aware that he is being watched."
"Tell them you know who they are, and, ‘You are not going to do it on my watch,’ ” Roddel said. “I wouldn’t necessarily call it overreacting.”
Now this man admits using the registry (FamilyWatchDog) and got in the mans face, so yeah, that is harassment, which the above states is illegal, and this man should be brought up on charges.
Don't forget the other article regarding this as well, where he's wanting to pass some law. I guess so he can get in peoples faces?
Click Here
I added an addendum to the article. Thanks for the heads up. Do you want me to leave up your comment?
Doesn't matter to me. You can delete it or leave it.
Why are these vigies so secretive about their identities because they are immature cowards who get a thrill out of bullying people that cant defend themselves. I can only hope that Stitches seeks some real emotional help while over at SOA. I doubt that will happen because of her denial issues and i feel sorry that she chooses to live such a tortmented life.
Like I said while I was at SOA, I have my doubts as to her ability to change, and as long as SOA NEVER calls her out on ANYTHING! That's wy Unites! exists. I don't believe that being a victim of a sex crime (as many there or at PJ profess to be) gives them the right to harass people who didn't harm them personally.
It amazes me how they attack others maliciously but then bitch about how I'm "mocking abuse victims" by running this site. WHATEVER!
I said: (to Stitches)
"Come on and seriously tell me what you hope to accomplish at SOA?"
Her deflective answer:
" I've already said I intended to prove that there IS a difference between someone being an RSO and the RSO activists, the 'gangs of thugs' roaming the internet bashing victims, mocking victims, lying, cheating and being unrepentant, unremorseful, self-absorbed, impulsive sex offenders with no regard for others."
pot.Kettle.Black. These are all lies spewed by a demented fool that needs serious help! Stitches, We RSO's do want to help you overcome if only you will let us in!
Well, please forgive us for slamming you instead of talking about the news article.
We enjoy stalking you and posting stuff about you, we nothing better to do with our lives.
Sorry we are so stupid.
I haven't seen a single RSO activist do what they claim. They accuse ALL RSO activists of being the same. I don't even call all AZU members the same. After reading Jaagster's comments, I at least feel he at least has a desire to be the "voice of reason" between SOA and the "antis." Stitches and a few others have not made the same strides he has.
We shouldn't HAVE to fight but Stitches had attacked us for FAR TOO LONG. Stitches is the main problem, and I can name more than a few people riding that same boat. Thanks to people like Stitches 77, WASP Ohio, and Petra Luna, Absolute Zero United now has a reputation on "victim advocacy" similar to the KKK's track record on "Race Relations."
Only the blindest like-minded crackpots believe them these days.
If you noticed, I was trying to make peace in one post and then I would follow it up by slinging mud.
The slinging may or may not have been influenced by stitchbitch
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