Sunday, October 10, 2010

Is T-Sand a MONSTER. In a word, yes!


T-Sand is indeed a monster of the worst kind. Clay Keys, a.k.a. T-Sand/ Roar for Truth, is a person who landed on the sex offender registry for violently raping a child. Instead of owning up to his crimes, he has decided to pretend it never happened (denial) and plays "pedo-hunter" (projection). He already displays two classic cognitive distortions just in his "about me" section on his blog.

T-Sand's behavior is worrisome because he takes pleasure in watching others suffer. Recently he mocked the suffering of a mother who may have cancer, high-fiving Doh-dia Fae and talking about how "karma is a bitch." Today he's decided to continue his obsession with me and revel in my moment of despair. T-Sand still shows a lack of empathy, which is a significant risk factor in recidivism. It is ironic coming from the same guy who was using a picture of Jessica Lunsford as an avatar back when he was attacking AZU. How did the Florida Risk Assessment Board miss this lack of empathy? And unlike me, there was actual violence involved in T-Sand's crime.

T-Sand is a lot like Mark Foley. While Foley was running on a child safety platform and signing the Adam Walsh on one hand, he was sending sexual chats to teenage pages with the other hand. With T-Sand's lack of empathy, a pattern of attacking others, and denial of his own status, he's likely offending today, and AZU is enabling his destructive behavior. They, as usual, turn a blind eye to signs of his imminent re-offense so long as he is attacking those they hate. Like we need any more reasons to celebrate AZU's demise.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should send a link to his blog to his therapist, probation or parole officer, or to the local sex offender review board, and ask them about it?

oncefallendotcom said...

That is not a bad idea. Back when T-Sand was pretending to be my friend in order to trey (unsuccessfully) to get info out of me, he said a lot of disturbing things that made me uncomfortable to bother talking with him. I kind of wish I kept some of those emails he sent me aside from the stuff he sent me from the PJ stuff he sent me back in early 2009. Oh well. Its not like he does not do enough even today to prove his mental instability.

oncefallendotcom said...

DOH-Dia Fae Strikes again!

"Every time he has talked about his victim, he has re-offended. Calling her a "Lolita" and claiming that a 3 year old child was already corrupt violates her."

Once again dumbfuck DOHdia gets it wrong. I never had a three year old victim, I merely at one time stated I knew my victim since was three. I did not make any contact with her then, nor did I say she was corrupt at 3. Her and Tsand get along so well because they both lack reading comprehension skills. They constantly go back to a misquote of something written way back over 6 years ago. Since that time I have reconciled to the family of the victim to the extent allowable. DUH-dia is so retarded. She makes it up as she goes along. That's funny. She also claims I have an "age of attraction" in a certain age range, which is weird, because licensed counselors have not found any evidence of pedophilia in me, because there is none. Another bold faced lie. Maybe Dumb-dia Fae should go get her head examined!

CFC_Oklahoma said...

Tsand, is his own worse enemy. IMO!

His attack on Mary Duval is unconscionable and the work of a very very ill individual.

Yes, please send all information concerning everything you can find including unregistered e-mail addresses and names that he uses.

Document everything he does and send it to the appropriate people in Florida.

The more people who complain, the better. Eventually Florida will tire of the complaints and DO SOMETHING.

CFC_Oklahoma said...

This guy should be sued. The truth is a defense for libel, even if true, its is "malicious and unjustified."

Anonymous said...

i think its only a matter of time before tSand commits another crime. hes a loose cannon waiting to explode, and i'm sure azu will post stuff about him one day, once they gain his trust.

Book38 said...

Tsand is neither on probation, community control or parole.

I have to say this though.

Tsand, this is a lowest you have gone yet. What was said about Mary was very inappropriate!

She has stood up for us when no one else would. Why you would ever slap her in the face like that is beyond me.

oncefallendotcom said...

Karma is not a bitch. Every single member of AZU are bitches. They are all disgusting waste of humanity and should be wiped off the face of the earth. I just wish one time I'd meet one of these cunts in person.

CFC_Oklahoma said...

People! please complain to FDLE,

Sexual Offender/Predator Unit 850-410-8572/ 1-888-357-7332
For TTY Accessibility: 1-877-414-7234

What Tsand is doing IS "malicious and unjustified."

These personal attacks against Former Offenders and advocates, advocates family should not go un-noticed by FDLE.

Voice of Reason said...

I see Clay Keys' reputation is spreading. The problem he has is the more he opens his big mouth, the more people realise what a vile piece of crap he really is. As much as I hate the overt prejudice and bigotry of Marina, Dopey Fae, Violent Leaves etc, at least they remain true to their ideals. Clay has no set ethics or core beliefs. He's just a slave to whatever whim enters his tiny pea-brain without the ability to understand the contradictions in everything he does.

Voice of Reason said...

I see Clay Keys' reputation is spreading. The problem he has is the more he opens his big mouth, the more people realise what a vile piece of crap he really is. As much as I hate the overt prejudice and bigotry of Marina, Dopey Fae, Violent Leaves etc, at least they remain true to their ideals. Clay has no set ethics or core beliefs. He's just a slave to whatever whim enters his tiny pea-brain without the ability to understand the contradictions in everything he does.

oncefallendotcom said...

TSand is mad because I called him a violent rapist yet he's repeating the lies that DOH!dia Fae and Rob Taylor have spread about me on their blogs for a long time. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Rob Taylor has called me a rapist for years even though I was not accused or convicted of rape.